
Fast, Secure, and Paperless

Whether you're sending one or a hundred documents, BoardSpot makes it easy for your members to find their documents and sign.

Signed Document

Send documents to one person or your entire board in a single step

Select by individual, role, and committee membership to effortlessly get documents to the people who need to sign them.

People Selector

Signed documents are kept secure and private from other members

Your privacy is a core value of BoardSpot.  We've made it easy for members to find and sign their documents in a trusted space, maintaining security and privacy through the entire process.

BoardSpot eSignature Document Builder

Easy-to-use eSignature document building tools in your hands

Upload any document to get started, then use our drag-and-drop builder to add the fields you need.

Signer information like name and email address will be auto-populated for your members, making it simple for them to review a document and sign.